In 1976, the Lord impressed Andrew and Jamie to go to Childress, Texas, and minister. Even though they didn’t know a single person, they went, rented a building, and held a three-day meeting. Six people attended the first meeting, and over the next three days, the crowd grew to about thirty-five. Miracles took place and people were excited about the Word of God, but Andrew received another offer to minister in Oklahoma and decided to leave Childress.
The night before leaving, the Lord woke Andrew and told him he hadn’t done what He told him to do. He was to stay there and minister to the people of Childress for more than just a three-day meeting. Andrew was at a loss. He didn’t know what to do or how to do it. In fact, he argued with the Lord, saying he would rent a building, but if the Lord wanted people to come, He would have to send them.
Then the Lord spoke a word to Andrew that changed his ministry. He said, “Andrew, if the people were spiritual enough to hear Me say ‘Go hear Andrew Wommack,’ then I wouldn’t need you to minister to them. Until they grow to hear My voice clearly, I need you to cross their paths in some natural way to get their attention.” That was a revelation to Andrew.
As he prayed about what to do, the Lord led him to the local country-and-western radio station located in an old house with chickens roosting on the front porch. Andrew hit it off with the manager, a Baptist pastor, and broadcast the first Gospel Truth radio program in 1976. The program continued for the next two years until the Wommacks moved to Pritchett, Colorado, where they would pastor a small church.
No local radio stations were available in Pritchett, but Andrew knew he was to continue the radio ministry. He was praying for direction on where to broadcast and how to pay for airtime when a friend called with the answer. The Lord had spoken to him to pay for Andrew’s first month of airtime on a Colorado Springs station. That station paid for itself in one week’s time, and Andrew has had a daily radio program ever since. He is heard daily across the country on over fifty radio stations, many of which send the program around the world on their websites.
Andrew knew that television would eventually be a part of the ministry. He had experienced success on other television programs like Jane Park’s “Something Beautiful.” His two-program interview with her produced a thousand requests for the Hardness of Heart album from the Chicago area alone. But, Andrew didn’t want to neglect radio.
His plans were to first cover the country with radio and then expand into television. In the summer of 1998, while inventorying his progress, he realized that at the rate the ministry was expanding its radio broadcasts, he would be over seventy years of age before the country was covered. That just didn’t seem workable.
“I’m 50 years old and have felt I was condemned to hell for at least 20 years. I heard part of your TV program one day, and you spoke on something that was contrary to what I learned growing up . . . I was afraid of God. For some reason it was in my head that you could only be forgiven so many times…Your teachings have given me hope.”
—D. M. from Northport, Alabama
It was then that he began to think of doing radio and television at the same time. That seemed logical and even obvious, but it was the first time he considered it. Within weeks, he was convinced the Lord was leading him to begin television ministry. That leading was confirmed supernaturally in the following few months. So in late 1998, he began taking the necessary steps.
When Andrew announced his intentions to his ministry partners, the response was overwhelming. AWM partners gave enough financial support to buy all the equipment, hire the personnel, design and build the set, and pay for six months of airtime in advance. Praise God for faithful partners!
The first Gospel Truth television broadcast aired January 3, 2000 on the INSP network, which had about 20 million subscribers. It was an instant hit, as measured by the tremendous viewer response. In the summer of 2000, the Lord opened the door to broadcast on the God Channel of Europe, with a potential viewing audience of 176.8 million. The footprint of that satellite signal covers Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Russia, Scandinavia, and the U.K. Then in January of 2002, the Gospel Truth began airing on the DayStar Network, which has a potential viewing audience of nearly 100 million across America. Programs are now seen on cable, satellite, and local television stations.
Many more opportunities lie ahead. Please agree with us in prayer for the resources necessary to take advantage of these as God makes them available. The body of Christ is hungry for this nearly-too-good-to-be-true news of God’s unconditional love and grace, but it takes the support of faithful partners to make it happen. Thank you for your help.