WATC TV is located at 1862 Enterprise Drive, Norcross, GA 30093. 

Office hours are 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  

Phone:  (770) 300-9828

Please contact the following if you have questions:

Atlanta Live:
Greg West, Atlanta Live Executive Producer:  greg@watc.tv
Charlotte Courtney, Atlanta Live Producer:  charlotte@watc.tv

Closed Captioning and Technical Inquiries:
Scott Wills, Chief Engineer:  scott@watc.tv

Underwriting Sponsorship and Airtime Inquiries:
Jaime Cuneo, Underwriting Manager:  jaime@watc.tv

Production Studio Inquiries:
Dylan Mathis & Arden Johnson, Production Coordinators: production@watc.tv

To Become a Prayer Partner Volunteer:
Wanda Helms, Prayer Partner Coordinator:  prayer@watc.tv

Promotions/Social Media:
Christina Johnson, Promotions/Social Media: christina@watc.tv

Operations Questions:
Michael Vallone, General Manager:  michael@watc.tv

General Programming and WATC Original Productions Inquiries:
Greg West, President:  greg@watc.tv